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RIHHA Webinar Dec 2024
RIHHA Webinar Dec 2024
DIY Emotional First-Aid and Self-Care with Havening- With Feather Windwalker About Havening By harnessing the brain’s neuroplasticity and neurogenesis we can clear the mind of emotionally encoded fears and burdens of trapped adverse and traumatic experiences, forever. Then, we seek innate inner resources for building resilience, revealing new pathways for creating the future experiences we truly desire. Often I experience sessions as neural-gardening, weeding the cacophony of mind noise, clearing space for creating and cultivating a resilient and lush mindscape. Some of my clients find themselves on a psychospiritual journey, but without the physical side effects of many psychogenic entheogens. We can often easily change the course and emotional weight of traumatic experiences with Havening for Emotional First-Aid; down regulating stressors, restoring resilience, and building emotional agency. These powerful emotional tools can help health and human service providers, educators, and first responders avoid burnout while showing up fully resourced for patients, clients, students and their own loved ones. And, as crisis intervention we have an emerging global presence for Humanitarian Havening: an initiative to take the healing effect of Havening to communities across the world that are in acute distress. Havening is easily taught and shared in groups, passed on to other families, groups, and communities so that its effect is exponential. It is simple, safe, and lasting. Know more about our speaker- Feather (Delia) Windwalker practices as Feather Wind Wisdom. Her methods for Emotional Wellness focus on guiding clients to inner wisdom resulting in clearing unwanted emotional burdens. By releasing emotional suffering Feather supports your positive vision toward thriving on your most authentic life path, experiencing true Mental Health. Employing Havening Techniques® (HT) as her primary protocol, Feather blends the power of your brain’s natural pharmacy with ancient healing arts. Inspired by Havening researchers, her approach is informed by the neuroscience of sacred healing touch creating change in brain chemistry. With Feather Wind Wisdom the science of Havening is woven together with spiritual curiosity and compassion. Feather facilitates your journey with refined coaching skills, a buoyant personality, and her personal history as a survivor informing recovery, resilience, and neurosensory pathways for expanding your Self-Care. Since 2018 Feather has practiced Havening while concurrently expanding her coaching skills with training in NeuroLinguistic Programing, Neo-Eriksonian Hypnosis, and certification from the Amen Clinics as a 'Brain Health Coach'. More recently, she has explored adding aromatherapy by using Essential Oils with HT; Feather is partnering with Sarah L. Shulman, M.D. who teaches how to use essences for enhancing and harnessing Emotional Wellness. Beginning in 2021 Feather has served several Havening Trainers, in their online venues, and in 2023 in person,as a Facilitator for students in certification training. Continuing her knowledge and experience with the Havening Techniques is a primary goal for Feather. Those training opportunities have expanded her interest in transferring her decades of experience as an events manager and group facilitator to online venues and conference opportunities. Feather's offers include wider opportunities such as workshops, study and support groups, all amplified with the Havening Techniques. In 2023 Feather joined the Humanitarian Havening Group offering pro bono remote sessions to victims of conflict and humanitarian crises. She serves an ambassador, available to human service professionals, for advancing DIY Emotional First-Aid and Self-Care. Bringing many threads of personal and professional experience to her practice, Feather fosters your mastery of personal Emotional Wellness tools, including Havening Techniques®, for the creation of your own oasis from stress, anxiety, distractions of modern life and, sadly, the emerging worries and traumas arising from these challenging times. Best Information There are many resources found through the official website. And there are lots of ‘under-informed’ opinions on the internet. For primary source information on Havening Techniques I strongly recommend investing in this affordable and Comprehensive Online Self-Study Science Training offered by Dr. Robin Youngson, a medical professional and International Certified Havening Trainer (New Zealand).
Wisdom Wellness Webinar -Oct 2024- Depth Hypnosis: Transformation with Isa Gucciardi, PhD
Wisdom Wellness Webinar -Oct 2024- Depth Hypnosis: Transformation with Isa Gucciardi, PhD
Join us for this special event with Dr. Isa Gucciardi. She will be talking about Depth Hypnosis, the ground-breaking spiritual counseling model she developed that brings ancient wisdom traditions together with modern therapeutic approaches to create a dynamic process for self- transformation. Her latest book on Depth Hypnosis explains how this integrative therapeutic modality uses the umbrella of Transpersonal Psychology to unify its multiple streams of understanding that includes hypnotherapy, Buddhist Psychology, shamanism, energy medicine, altered states work, and regression therapy. Depth Hypnosis addresses a wide variety of imbalances like depression, anxiety, addiction, and spiritual emergence and a 2015 study found that it “provides expedient and significant shifts in symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and well-being.” Isa is an early pioneer of bringing shamanic and Buddhist techniques into the therapeutic environment. She is the Founding Director of the "Foundation of the Sacred Stream", a non-profit organization and school for consciousness studies in Berkeley CA. She lectures nationally and internationally and is on the faculty of Embodied Philosophy, Menla/Tibet House, Onaya, and a guest lecturer at UC Berkeley. She has written two other books "Coming to Peace" and "The New Return to the Great Mother", both were #1 bestsellers on Amazon. Her forthcoming book is Depth Hypnosis: A Rapid Path to Transformation. Know our Speaker Isa Gucciardi, PhD, holds degrees in cultural and linguistic anthropology, comparative religion, and transpersonal psychology. She is the creator of Depth Hypnosis TM, a groundbreaking therapeutic model that blends elements of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychological thought. It has won rave reviews from psychotherapeutic and spiritual counselors alike. She is the Founding Director of the "Foundation of the Sacred Stream", a non-profit organization and school for consciousness studies in Berkeley CA. She lectures nationally and internationally and is on the faculty of Embodied Philosophy, Menla/Tibet House, Onaya, and a guest lecturer at UC Berkeley. She has written two other books "Coming to Peace" and "The New Return to the Great Mother", both were #1 bestsellers on Amazon. Her forthcoming book is Depth Hypnosis: A Rapid Path to Transformation. Isa has spent over 30 years studying spiritual, therapeutic, and meditative techniques from around the world. She has worked with master teachers of Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and Sufism, as well as expert indigenous and shamanic practitioners from around the world. She has co-taught with many venerable teachers including Robert Thurman, Thupten Jinpa, Matthew Fox, and Khensur Rinpoche Thupten Tenzin, to name a few. Isa was an early pioneer in bringing shamanic and Buddhist perspectives into the clinical setting and she deftly draws from these wisdom systems to support her students in an embodied process of teaching that includes lecture, experiential work, contemplation, and reflection. Isa speaks five languages, has lived in eleven countries, has two children, and lives in San Francisco with her partner. Mapping Session with Isa: Shamanic Journey Online - Spirit Guide Meditation is link for Depth Hypnosis book For more information about Isa: Newsletters Sign Up
RIHHA presents - June 2024 Wisdom Wellness webinar
RIHHA presents - June 2024 Wisdom Wellness webinar
Wisdom Wellness Webinar, "Wonders of Water," presented by Jim Standish, director of RIHHA. This enlightening event explored the profound significance of water as a sacred element and its transformative role as a healing agent. Discovering the ancient wisdom and modern insights that highlighted water's vital importance in our lives, and practical ways to harness its therapeutic benefits for holistic well-being.
RIHHA's Wisdom Wellness Webinar - April 2024- Ann Hession
RIHHA's Wisdom Wellness Webinar - April 2024- Ann Hession
April 2024 - WWW will feature Ann Hession - Sales is scary for most healers and holistic practitionersc-- but it doesn't have to be! Heart-centered, soulful sales is the key to building a thriving healing practice, and it's a set of skills anyone can learn, and even learn to love! In this class you'll learn the biggest mistake you've been making at the very beginning of a conversation with prospective clients, and exactly what to do instead to have ideal, interested clients engaged, excited, and leaning in to work with you. It's not as hard as you think! Come learn from Ann Hession, who built a 6 figure energy healing practice, how to offer your wonderful services without ever feeling fake or "salesy." Know More about Ann - Ann Hession is the "woo woo" sales expert, who helps healers and soulpreneurs who have amazing gifts for the world but are “allergic” to sales and selling. As a medical intuitive and energy healer with over 30 years experience in transformational healing, and a sales expert who’s personally sold millions of dollars of programs and services, she’s uniquely qualified to help heart-based business owners make a bigger difference in peoples' lives and get paid well to do it!
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